Special projects
Special projects can be created for single persons, associations, groups and organizations on a specific topic on request and by using photography as one of the tools to work with, in combination with other techniques and disciplines. The projects are experiential journeys that will lead the people to see, to live an experience, to become aware and then to transform their experience by sharing the process and the results together with other people who are part of the same journey. The main aim of these projects is to create a positive and meaningful experience for the people involved as well as for the people who will benefit of them by enjoying the outcomes.
Therapeutic Calendar - 2017
Oncological Reference Center - Aviano - Italy
The Therapeutic Calendar Project is born from the awareness that in some moments and experiences of life words are not enough to describe their own life. Photography then becomes a tool that facilitates exploration, expression, sharing, and memory, as the photographers are at the same time actors and spectators of their life's snapshots. The calendar is designed not only as a point of reflection for those who are behind the goal but as a point of introspection for all those who browse it: it wants to be an opportunity to re-evaluate space, time, perspective, shadows and the lights that characterize photography and life itself.
The project involved 9 people between patients and relatives who worked on defined topics related to disease experience, taking photographs, and stopping images that enclosed and expressed the emotions they experienced during their journey.
We hope that, thanks to the photos and the messages that accompany them, the calendar can be therapeutic for those who will look at it, as well as it has been for those who have realized it.
The project, sponsored by the LILT - Italian League for the Fight against Tumors - is aimed at fundraising for a scholarship for a psychologist within the Psychology Service of Aviano's Oncological Reference Center.
The projects has been designed, coordinated and realised by me,
Maria Antonietta Annunziata, Barbara Muzzatti, Sara Mella, Francesca Bomben, Cristiana Flaiban, Katiuscia Gipponi, Marika Piccini, Sara Busato, Giulia Mariutti of the Psychology Service of the CRO together with all the patients and families who made the photos with their significant phrases.